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We don't need the EU
The recent UK Balance of Payments document shows that we contributed £11.4 billion to the EU last year and drew out £3.62 billion. Every £1 we get from this corrupt and grossly expensive organisation costs us £4.
How much longer are we going to allow ourselves to be conned by the propaganda of the Pro-Europe brigade? By them we mean, among others, the Financial Times, the BBC and the Government.
All the misinformation and lies pushed out by this lobby suggests that we are indebted to the EU for our growth in trade.
The truth is that during the time since the implementation of the single market our trade with Germany has gone up by 30 per cent and with France by 43 per cent. But our trade with the US has shot up by a massive 61 per cent during the same period. Last year, 10 per cent more of British earnings resulted from our trade with the US than from France and Germany combined.
The Brussels propaganda machine is geared to deceiving those who do not believe in a Federal Europe into thinking that we shall suffer some awful economic fate if we do not integrate still further with this corrupt and unelected bureaucratic dogs' breakfast!
We have the world's fourth largest economy. We don't need the EU, although they certainly need us, not least for the money in our pension funds!
If we pulled out we would have £ billions more to spend on ourselves.
The Flooding of Britain
Bad planning has led to the worst flood damage seen in Britain in the last 40 years. The Extreme rainfall and gales approaching 100mph which have lashed much of the British Isles in the last two days were made much worse by government policy.
Short-sighted planning decisions made in the rush to build more homes in the country have meant thousands of people have been put at unnecessary risk of flooding in times of freak weather.
In recent years there has been a rush to build homes on low-lying land, particularly along the floodplains of rivers in South-east England, where pressure on space is greatest. But, why the demand for new homes?
Refering to the Labour Government's own Population Trends Survey, published on 24th June 1997, it states, unambiguously, that immigration is one of the principal reasons why there has been an increase of three million in Britain's population over the last twenty years, and while the population is on the increase, new houses MUST be built to house these immigrants. Even worse, the Government wants to build 5 million new houses in England and Wales alone in the next twenty years. There is simply no escaping it.
"The end of yet another year, and as good a time as any to be a Cassandra. If Tony Blair has anything to do with it, there won’t always be an England. The country is already fading, not from foreign conquest but from its own immigration policy. Demographic calculations have it that by the end of this new century the English people will be a minority in their homeland.
"Just think about it. Fifty years ago, there were only a few tens of thousands of non-whites in all of Great Britain, but in the next one hundred years, the whites will probably be a minority. And it’s very easy to explain. The English are not having enough children, whereas non-whites have a high fertility rate. As the Observer said, ‘This is the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease.’
"Mind you, the English may be finished as a people, but at least they have twice as long to go than American whites do. By 2050 the whites will be a minority of the US population, as they already are in California. What amazes me is that two of the most powerful countries of the 19th and 20th centuries have legislated their way to their own extinction. Talk about the suicide of the West..."
--Taki, The Spectator
"There is no inequality between homosexuals and heterosexuals in our present marriage law. Any man is free (subject to the provisions against incest and bigamy) to marry any woman and any woman to marry any man. Homosexuals wish to hijack the word 'marriage' as they have hijacked the word 'gay'.
"...The human rights argument is bogus and dangerous. If sodomites have a human right to marry, would it not be 'inevitable' for paedophiles to establish their human right to child sex and 'inevitably' would follow those with a taste for bestiality.
"Marriage is available to all. The problem is that homosexuals do not find it to their liking."
--Lord Tebbit, The Sunday Times, 1 October 2000
"The truly amazing thing is that although everyone believes that Macpherson claimed racism was rife in the police, the inquiry found no evidence of this at all. Since no racism was discovered, it adopted the definition of institutional racism invented by Stokely Carmichael, the black power revolutionary, and used that to damn the police to perdition. You can be racist without knowing it, and to challenge that utterly specious reasoning is itself proof that you are racist.
"Macpherson is the defining document of our times and the most shocking. Almost the entire political and intellectual class is so cowed or enfeebled that hardly anyone dares to protest."
--Melanie Phillips, The Sunday Times, 24 September 2000
Past Quotes
A bit of
Immigrant's 0de
I come for visit, get treated regal
So I stay who care if illegal
Cross the border poor and broke
Take a lorry see custom bloke
Nice man treat me good in there
Say I need to see welfare
Welfare say "come down no more
We send the cash right to your door
Welfare cheque, they make you wealthy
National Health they keep you healthy
By and by I got plenty money
Thank you English working dummy
Write to friends in motherland
Tell them to come as fast as they can
They come in trains and great big trucks
I buy big house with Social bucks
They all come we live together
To live off England and make life better
Fourteen families all move in
Neighbours patience growing thin
Finally, White man moves away
I buy his house and then I say
Find more aliens, house I rent
In the garden I put a tent
Sent for family, they all trash
But they all draw more DSS cash
Everything is so very good
Soon we own the whole neighbourhood
We have a hobby, it's called breeding
DSS pays for baby feeding
Kids need dentist, wife needs pills
National Health pay, we got no bills
Englishman crazy, he pay all year
To keep the DSS running here
We think England damm good place
Much too good for White man race
If they don't like us they can go
Got lots of room in Kosovo
History of a Time to Come!
First it happened in isolated pockets - ghettos,
and I did not speak out.
Then it happened in the cities,
and I did not speak out.
Then it happened in the suburbs,
and I did not speak out.
The it happened in the towns,
and I did not speak out.
Then it happened in the countryside,
still I did not speak out.
Then it happened in the rest of Britain,
but it was too late for us Whites.
We had become a minority in our own land.
--Larry Priest.
"On the face of it; it must be a bad cause that will not bear discussion. Truth always seeks the light, instead of shunning it." -Horace Mann.
"Here’s freedom to
him who would speak.
Here’s freedom to him who would write.
For there’s none ever feared that the truth should be heard.
Save he who the truth would indict."
-Robert Burns.
"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-Arthur Schopenhauer..
"All that is
necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
- Edmund Burke.
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