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Chaos, Chaos, and Chaos

South Africa now has the reputation as being the crime and murder capital of the world.  The police have lost control of the fight against crime, and Mafia-style criminal gangs now command most of the town-ships and inner-city areas.

As a result international confidence in the country has collapsed, with vitally-needed international investment and tourist revenue continually diminishing.  The value of the Rand has consequently gone into free-fall, and as a knock-on effect government spending on such important services as healthcare, education and transport infrastructure is nowhere near as high as needed.

Many of the statistics demonstrating the collapse of law and order are frightening in the extreme.  They include:-

  • Over 26,000 murders during 1998 (i.e. 65 murders per day, or one every 22 minutes).
  • More than 1000 police officers have been shot dead since 1994 - 169 during the first seven months of 1999 alone.
  • 539 people have been murdered in completely politically-motivated killings on farms between 1994 and 1998.  This figure is actually escalating, with 31 farm murders during the first three months of 1999 alone.
  • Almost one and a quarter million rapes were recorded in 1998 (i.e. one every 23 seconds).  One in two South African women can now be expected to be raped at least once during their lifetime.
  • There is one vehicle theft every five minutes.
  • There is one armed robbery every five and a half minutes.
  • There is one assault every three and a half minutes.
  • There is one burglary every three minutes.
  • Since 1994 over 50% of residents of Cape Town and Jo'burg have been victims of crime.

It is not only concerning crime where is is obvious that South Africa society is collapsing.  Other alarming figures include:-

  • 1800 new cases of AIDS are reported every day.
  • 1500 babies per day are born HIV-positive.
  • Over half a million more are unemployed now than in 1994.
  • There are more road deaths and accidents per head of population in South Africa than in any other country.

Some argue that all that is required is an increase in police numbers and health and law-enforcement spending.  This however is tampering with the symptoms, not the diseased.

What is required in order to end the chaos of present-day South Africa is the restoration of civilised White rule.

Webmaster's note: This article was originally published in 'South African Patriot in Exile' magazine, No. 35.

Any readers interested in subscribing to 'South African Patriot in Exile' should write for details to:  Patriotic Press, BCM. SAPAT, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3XX.

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