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The War against Whites
By Fred Rundle

During the duration of more than four years of Communist rule, we Whites have had to endure vilification, and we were even forced to live like criminals behind fortified houses and bars.  Depraved ANC/Communist rabble control the streets as they joyfully murder, rape, rob, kill farmers and plunder had earned possessions, unhindered and at will.

To raise funds for ANC/SACP election coffers, they rob armoured vehicles with cash in transit between banks, killing and maiming the guards that happen to accompany the vehicles.  Only insignificant amounts of all the cash have been found in the possession of the very few ANC criminals that have been arrested.  Any independent audit of ANC books will be able to ascertain the veracity of this.  Sad to say, this will unfortunately never be allowed, because this will expose them for what they are, nothing but a bunch of terrorists in government and in control of our beloved country.

You may well ask what about the police?  Why are they not catching these criminals?  The answer lies in the fact that the police themselves have become the criminals.  Statistics have shown that the percentage of criminal deeds from within the police force is far greater than the percentage of criminality from the general public.  The reason for this is the fact that the government loaded our once proud police force with the their terrorist bush fighting rabble.

To phone the police for help these days is to risk being robbed by the very police you phone to save you.  However, there are still some dedicated policemen amongst the police, most of who happen to be White.  Sad to say, the government hamstrings them with regulations that turns them into the criminals and the accused into heroes when they act forcefully against the mainly ANC supporting rabble criminals.  Any criminal, who is unlucky to be shot and wounded during a robbery, is taken to a Five Star private hospital where every doctor jumps with anxiety to receive and save him.  The victim however, is casually taken to a filthy, cockroach infested, State hospital unless his family can prove that he can afford private medical treatment, or that he is covered by medical aid.

The police also have a Minister who remains neutral on crime.  He has been known to counsel ANC/Police criminals charged with murder while being held at Pretoria Maximum prison.  They were being held on several charges of murder and heisting millions of Rand in cash during transit.  Another Minister has been reported in newspapers to have had one of these criminals on the run as a guest during a party at his home.  How depraved can a country get?  This can only happen in Africa and under a Black government.

Happy to say, the Whites are now fighting back and even killing the criminals.  Normally placid people have become militant, armed and ready.  Even many former liberals are talking fighting talk.  Every single family in our cities has been touched by violent crime in one way or another.  They have all felt the senseless crime on their own hides.  This is what makes even normal liberals depart for other countries, or it turns them into militants.  This was bound to happen and we welcome it.

We have been warning for years that this is going to be the result of terrorist rule over our country.  In the beginning very few people outside our Boervolk listened and as the criminality progressed, a trickle of people started to listen to us.  That trickle has now become floods, which is bound to engulf the bunch of thieving, incompetent Communist terrorists that govern our country, and they are incapable of stopping it.

In the numerous interviews I have had with the local and international media, I have always predicted that a civil war will inevitably break out in our country.  I warned that if we do not draw boundaries now, history would draw them for us.  Asked, I have never placed a time span on it and said that it depends on when the White man will wake up to the reality of Communist rule.

The White giant has now risen and he is getting ready, armed and dangerous.  This Communist government should even now, although belatedly recognise this fact.  If they do not allow our people to rule ourselves in our own free country, then the consequences for them will be too ghastly to contemplate.

We, the White folk want law and order, sound western education for our children, jobs for the White competents, and not only jobs for the Black incompetents.  They are tired of serving merely as milking cows and they are tired of seeing how the State coffers are systematically being looted by thieving Communists.  This country must be a home for themselves and for their children.  They do not want to feel and be treated like strangers in the country of their birth and that of their forebears.  Alas, this government of terrorists will not listen, because there are none as blind as those who will not see.

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